ART THERAPY INITIATIVE with Debra Kalmanowitz 

Art Therapy Initiative (ATI) was founded with artist/art therapist Debra Kalmanowitz in 1994 as an independent art therapy project for working in contexts of conflict and social upheaval. We continue to work together on a project-by-project basis.

In addition to direct art therapy informed practice in Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Kosovo, South Africa and Nepal, ATI delivered workshops, seminars, consultation, supervision and training in the UK, Switzerland, Israel, Nepal and Hong Kong. ATI worked in collaboration with Goldsmiths College, London University; War Child; the Bosnian Support Trust; the Art WorksTrust and the University of Durban Westville (South Africa); Save the Children and DFID (Department for International Development) in Kosovo; the Bayswater Families Centre in London; the Tavistock Clinic and International Organisation for Migration (in Kosovo); Save the Children US; Lesley University, Israel; European Graduate School, Switzerland, and Art Refuge.


This short film presents some of the core ideas within Portable Studio, an art therapy concept we developed out of our work together during the war in the former Yugoslavia in the mid 1990s. It has been adapted for contexts of conflict, disaster and crisis and by art therapists in diverse settings worldwide.


Bobby Lloyd and Debra Kalmanowitz

2016 Art Therapy at the Border: holding the line of the kite, Journal of Applied Arts and Health.

2011  ‘Inside out Outside in: Portable Studio and Found Objects’, in Art in Action: Expressive Arts Therapy and Social Change,edited by Levine, E.G, and Levine, S.K, Jessica Kingsley.

2005 (eds) 'Art therapy and Political Violence: with art, without illusion', London, New York: Routledge.

2002   w/ Beagley, S.; Miller, F.; Kälin, A. & Murphy, J. ‘Inhabiting the uninhabitable: the use of art making with teachers in South West Kosovo’ The Arts in Psychotherapy29 (1): 41-52.   

1999   ‘Fragments of art at work: art therapy in the former Yugoslavia,’ The Arts in Psychotherapy, 26 (1): 15-25.         

1998  ‘A Question of Translation: Transporting Art Therapy to KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa', in Dokter, D.(ed.) Arts Therapies, Refugees and Migrants: Reaching Across Borders, London: Jessica Kingsley.

1997 The Portable Studio: Art Therapy and Political Conflict: initiatives in former Yugoslavia and South Africa. London: Health Education Authority.

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